Nonverbal Communication in South Korea

To an American the average South Korean might seem withdrawn and standoffish by his or her body language, even though they are some of the warmest and most hospitable people in the world. When traveling to South Korea, it is very important that you should understand what is customary and frowned upon when communicating with the locals, or else risk a misunderstanding. Much of the actions we use to portray friendliness can be offensive to Koreans.

When approaching a Korean take into consideration that they prefer a larger degree of personal space than Americans when interacting with others. They are a low contact culture.  Any excessive touching while interacting may make them feel uncomfortable.  Make sure you avoid any contact with the opposite sex, unless you are close companions or family. To initiate a greeting , a traditional bowing is customary, followed by a firm handshake where you support your right hand with your left. Because of the aforementioned taboo, women should not shake hands with their male acquaintances.   Image

Americans are known to smile a lot when expressing kindness , but to Koreans excessive smiling may portray shallowness or that you have negative intentions, which creates a lack of trust in the relationship. Oftentimes, a smile will mean that they are embarrassed.  Direct eye contact, another common display of kindness and respect among Americans, also should be limited when interacting with Koreans. It is considered rude causing them to feel violated or challenged. However, when conversing with an experienced businessman direct eye contact is encouraged as a sign of respect.

When dressing for business in South Korea, dress conservatively. A Suit and tie is appropriate for men, while long dresses are appropriate for women. However, males should not wear jewelry other than a wedding ring  or a watch.

A great leader in South Korea should be composed and well accustomed to South Korean culture, since it is so distinct from ours. It is a country of many traditional customs and taboos; breaking one could cause your acquaintance to lose face, causing him of her much shame. It is important for any leader to  be knowledgeable of their culture so that they can avoid such a situation. Also, it is essential to recognize that South Korea is still a very traditional country, even though South Korean youth are becoming much more open, so just to be safe act conservatively.

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